Upcoming Events

HRRC Salon - A Series of Virtual Monthly Expert Talks

Brief presentation of members' current research, followed by informal discussion.

POSTPONED Thursday, May 16, 2024

11am-12pm in Connecticut (EST) / 17:00-18:00 in Germany (CET)

Valeria Vegh Weis (Research Fellow, Zukunftskolleg, Universität Konstanz and Professor of Criminology, Universidad de Buenos Aires/Universidad Nacional de Quilmes)

Challenging Impunity for Atrocity Crimes. Bottom-up Lessons from the South

Click this link for an abstract and bio.

Click this link to join the meeting.

Past Events / Archive

HRRC Salon

April 8, 2024

Christina Binder (International Law and International Human Rights Law, Bundeswehr University Munich)

The 1993 Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action Thirty Years On – Or, Past, Present and Future Perspectives on Human Rights in Times of Crisis

Click this link for an abstract and bio.


HRRC Lecture

April 4, 2024

César Rodríguez-Garavito (Professor of Clinical Law, Chair and Faculty Director of the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice, New York University School of Law)

‘More-Than-Human Rights’: Pushing the Boundaries of Legal Imagination

Click this link for an abstract and bio.

Click this link to watch a recording of the lecture.


HRRC Salon

March 7, 2024

César E. Abadía-Barrero (Anthropology and Human Rights, University of Connecticut), Catalina Alvarado-Cañuta (Anthropology, University of Connecticut), and Francisco Huichaqueo-Pérez (Humanities and Visual Arts, Universidad de Concepción)

Buen Vivir and Collective Healings: A Communalist and Biocentric Initiative to Heal Colonial Wounds

Moderator: Karin Amos (Education, University of Tübingen)

Click this link for an abstract and bios.


HRRC Salon

February 8, 2024

Patrick Heidkamp (Environment, Geography & Marine Sciences, Southern Connecticut State University)

Realizing Economic Rights in the Blue Economy: Challenges and Opportunities

Click this link for an abstract and bio.


HRRC Salon

December 7, 2023

Zehra Arat (Political Science, University of Connecticut)

A Human Rights Theory of Democracy: Analyzing Democratic Instability in Class & Identity Politics

Respondent and moderator: Christina Binder (International Law and International Human Rights Law, Bundeswehr University Munich)

Click this link for an abstract and bios.


HRRC Salon

November 2, 2023

Dirk Hanschel (European and International Public Law, University of Halle-Wittenberg / Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology / University of Connecticut) and Annette Mehlhorn (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology)

Rights of Nature & the Nature of Rights: Insights from Law & Anthropology

Click this link for an abstract and bio.


HRRC Salon

October 5, 2023

Markus Krajewski (University of Erlangen/Centre for Human Rights Erlangen-Nürnberg) and Shareen Hertel (University of Connecticut/Human Rights Institute); Moderator: Janne Mende (Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law)

Due Diligence Laws: Scope, Content, and Implications

Click here for more information.


HRRC Lecture at the University of Connecticut

October 3, 2023

Christina Gerhardt (German Studies, University of Hawaii); Q&A with Patrick Heidkamp (Environment, Geography & Marine Sciences, Southern Connecticut State University); Moderation: Anke Finger (German Studies, University of Connecticut)

Sea Change and Environmental Justice

Click here for more information.


HRRC Salon

May 4, 2023

Andrew Clark (Institute for Municipal and Regional Policy, University of Connecticut), Rüdiger Wulf (Law, University of Tübingen), Brittany LaMarr (Tow Youth Justice Institute, New Haven), Per S. Våge (Kriminalomsorgsdirektoratet, Norway)

The International Justice Exchange: Creating and Sustaining Justice Systems Centered in Human Rights and Human Dignity

Click here for more information on the International Justice Exchange.


Picturing the Pandemic

Opening at the Mark Twain Center for Transatlantic Relations in Heidelberg, April 27, 2023

On display from April 28-July 23, 2o23

Curators: Uwe Wenzel (Mark Twain Center), Sarah Willen (University of Connecticut), Katherine Mason (Brown University), Alexis Boylan (University of Connecticut)


New Approaches to Human Rights Dialogue and Public Engagement

Workshop of the Working Group on Human Rights Education and Solidarity

Mark Twain Center for Transatlantic Relations in Heidelberg, April 26-29, 2023


HRRC Salon

April 6, 2023

Sarah S. Willen (Anthropology, University of Connecticut), Alexis L. Boylan (Art and Art History, Humanities Institute, University of Connecticut), Uwe Wenzel (Mark Twain Center for Transatlantic Relations, Heidelberg)

Picturing the Pandemic: Cultivating New Spaces for Human Rights Dialogue, Local and Global

Click here for more information.


HRRC Salon

March 2, 2023

Ángel Oquendo (Law, University of Connecticut)

Disconnections and Connections: Human Rights versus Democracy; from Principles toward Policies; National within International Law

Click here for an abstract.


HRRC Salon

February 2, 2023

Achilles Skordas (Public International Law/International Relations, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg)

Sustainability of the Global Order and the Human Rights Jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice (ICJ)

Click here for an abstract.


HRRC Salon

December 1, 2022

Silja Voeneky (Law, University of Freiburg), Johanna Thoma (Philosophy, London School of Economics), Thomas Burri (Law, University of St. Gallen), Wilfried Hinsch (Philosophy, University of Cologne), Antje von Ungern-Sternberg (Law, University of Trier), Oliver Mueller (Philosophy, University of Freiburg)

Discussing Responsible AI – Interdisciplinary Perspectives: The Cambridge Handbook of Responsible Artificial Intelligence

Click here for an abstract and more information.


HRRC Salon

November 3, 2022

James Cavallaro (University Network for Human Rights, Wesleyan University, Yale University, UCLA)

Rethinking Prisons in the Americas & the Consortium and Human Rights Practice

Click here for an abstract.


Picturing the Pandemic

Images from the Pandemic Journaling Project

Exhibition opening event, co-sponsored by the Connecticut/Baden-Württemberg Human Rights Research Consortium

October 27, 2022, at the Hartford Public Library, 500 Main Street, Hartford, Connecticut

For more information, visit the project's website.


HRRC Salon

October 6, 2022

Peter Schneck (American Studies, University of Osnabrück) and Laura Zander (Collaborative Research Center "Law and Literature," University of Münster)

Migrancy Experience and Human Rights Imaginaries: Globalized Narratives of Migration and the Legal Formation of Subjects 'on the Move'

Click here for an abstract.


HRRC Salon

June 2, 2022

Stephan Sonnenberg (Professor of Law, Seoul National University School of Law, South Korea)

Sustainable Development Goals: A New One-Size-Fits-All Universal Standard?

Click here for an abstract.


HRRC Annual Conference:
Human Rights and Global Challenges: Geopolitics - Environment - Migration

May 11-12, 2022 | In person conference, University of Connecticut (Storrs and Hartford)

Keynote: César Rodríguez-Garavito (Professor of Clinical Law, Chair and Faculty Director of the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice, New York University School of Law): Climatizing Rights: Human Rights for the Anthropocene

Welcome by Theresia Bauer, Minister for Science, Research and Art of the German State of Baden-Württemberg


Panelists include Karin Amos | Kiel Brennan-Marquez | James Cavallaro | Ercüment Çelik | Kat Geddes | Joshua C. Gellers | Shareen Hertel | Nora Hertz | Prakash Kashwan | Florian Kastner | Thomas Keenan | Frauke Lachenmann | Anat Lior | Tobias Lebens | Kathryn Libal | Samuel Moyn | Elisa Orrù | Sandra Sirota | Isabell Sluka | Silja Voeneky


HRRC Salon

April 7, 2022

Manuela Wagner (German Studies and Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies, University of Connecticut) and Sandra Sirota (Experiential Global Learning & Human Rights, University of Connecticut)

Narratives of Injustice and a Quilt of Hope: Teaching for Human Rights and Intercultural Citizenship

Click here for an abstract.


HRRC Lectures at the University of Connecticut

Sigrid G. Köhler (Chair of German Literature, University of Tübingen)

April 4, 2022

Die Abolition auf der Bühne. Deutschsprachige Theaterstücke im Kampf gegen Sklavenhandel und Sklaverei (1770-1800) (in German)

Organized by the Connecticut/Baden-Württemberg Human Rights Consortium in collaboration with the German Studies Colloquium

April 5, 2022

Human Rights and the Knowledge of the World in German Journal Debates and Popular Literature (1770-1800) (in English)

Organized by the Connecticut/Baden-Württemberg Human Rights Consortium and co-sponsored by the Human Rights Institute, the University of Connecticut Humanities Institute, University of Connecticut Global Affairs, and the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and Art


HRRC Salon

March 3, 2022

Sigrid G. Köhler (Chair of German Literature, University of Tübingen)

Human Rights Speeches against Racism and Slavery? German Literature und Journal Reporting (1770-1800)

Click here for an abstract.


HRRC Salon

February 3, 2022

Lynne Tirrell (Professor of Philosophy, University of Connecticut) and Richard Wilson (Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor of Law and Anthropology, Gladstein Chair of Human Rights, Associate Dean for Research, School of Law, University of Connecticut)

Discursive Violence: Context, Causation, and Prevention 

Click here for an abstract.


HRRC Salon

December 2, 2021

Sebastian Wogenstein (German Studies/Hebrew and Judaic Studies, University of Connecticut)

Human Rights as Paradigm in Contemporary German Jewish Literature

Click here for an abstract.


HRRC Salon

November 4, 2021

Avinoam Patt (Doris and Simon Konover Chair of Judaic Studies and Director of the Center for Judaic Studies and
Contemporary Jewish Life, University of Connecticut)

The Politics of Holocaust Analogies in the Age of COVID

Click here for an abstract.


HRRC Salon

October 7, 2021

Christina Binder (International Law and International Human Rights Law, Bundeswehr University Munich)

European Human Rights Protection in a Time of Crisis? The COVID-19 Pandemic as Challenge and Opportunity

Discussant: Mateja Steinbrück Platise (Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg)

Click here for an abstract.


HRRC Annual Conference: Democracy and Human Rights

June 24, 2021

Keynote Speaker: Wilfried Hinsch (Chair of Practical Philosophy, University of Cologne, Germany): Human Rights, Discrimination, and Social Justice

Additional Speakers: Boaventura de Sousa Santos | Lewis Gordon | Mathias Risse | Janne Mende | Silvia Steininger | Nora Hertz


FRIAS Lecture Series: Human Rights in Times of Crisis

May - July 2021

Speakers: Javier Martinez Torron | Rüdiger Wolfrum | Alicia Ely Yamin | Molly Land | Gerald L. Neuman | Ercüment Celik | Mathias Risse | Julian Nida-Rümelin

For the lecture recordings, click here.


HRRC Salon

May 6, 2021

Silja Vöneky (Public International Law and Comparative Law, University of Freiburg, Germany) and Philipp Kellmeyer (Neuroethics and Artificial Intelligence Ethics, University of Freiburg, Germany)

Scientific, Ethical and Legal Perspectives - Global Harmonisation of Standards for Brain Organoid Research and Therapy?

Click here for an abstract.


University of Connecticut Provost Distinguished Lecture Series

April 21, 2021

Katharina von Hammerstein (Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor, German Studies, University of Connecticut, USA): Voices of Genocide: From German Colonialism in Africa to the Court for the Southern District of New York


HRRC Salon

April 1, 2021

Frauke Lachenmann (Former Senior Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for International Public Law and the Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of Law, Heidelberg, Germany): The Good Faith Principle in Interdisciplinary Perspective

Click here for an abstract.


Conference and Legislative Initiative: "Building Bridges: Connecticut at the Crossroads"

COVID-19, the Connecticut State Budget Crisis and the Path Towards Decarceration, Public Safety and Community Investment

Click here for more information on the initiative, including the White Paper on Criminal Justice Policy, and here for video recordings of the conference panels.

A collaboration of the Institute for Municipal and Regional Policy and the University Network for Human Rights.

February 23-24, 2021


"No Final Resting Place: Narratives of My People. The Ovaherero Genocide."

Ngondi Kamatuka, University of Kansas

Click here for more information and a video recording of the Zoom presentation.

February 11, 2021


Inaugural Conference "Human Rights in Times of Crisis"

Click here for the program and video recordings of the conference sessions.

November 9, 2020


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BW Ministry of Science Logo
Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies Logo